December 22, 2021
***Ice Report***
After a wild week of weather including over 1.5” of rain, then snow, we have had excellent ice making weather. Majority of anglers are reporting 8-11” of good solid ice on area lakes, a few brave anglers have been seen driving small truck on some area lakes. Slush has not been a issue for anyone. Won’t be long now and trucks will be a common sight on area lakes again. Ice roads continue to be maintained to popular spots.
***Fishing Report***
Walleye - Walleye anglers have been getting out their permanent houses out to popular walleye haunts and reports are showing it. Many anglers have reported good to excellent walleye fishing so far, during the evening and overnights. 20 feet of water continues to be the most popular depth for catching eyes along with a good lively minnow.
Pike - Pike angling continues to be excellent for many anglers, with many anglers catching their new personal best. Sucker minnows continue to be the most popular bait of choice, but it seems dead suckers have been a little better then alive. Anglers should focus on weedbeds, with green weeds, in 5-12 feet of water.
Crappie - Crappie anglers have finally started getting out to winter crappie locations and are catching fish. Anglers have been finding fish in 20-30 feet of water, in typical mud basins. Once anglers locate the crappies, a small crappie minnow, fished under a bobber, next too a actively fished jig and soft plastic, has been a deadly one two punch. Many anglers have reported catching good numbers and size crappies, so far this year.