March 7th, 2023
***Fishing Report***
Lake Trout - Lake trout anglers reported having a good weekend of trout fishing finally. Anglers found active trout up on classic lake trout spots such as sunken islands, main lake points and neck-down areas between islands. 30-50 feet of water was the depth to be in. Spoons, and bucktails around 3” in size continue to be the best size to get bites. Dead or alive suckers laying on the bottom have accounted for almost half of the lakers caught this winter, so be sure to tip-ups out with a minnow on the bottom.
Stream Trout - Stream trout were active this last week, with some very big splake caught from some of the less pressured lakes in the area. Large splake were found in 20-40 feet of water, with spoons tipped with minnow heads. Rainbows and brookies were found in shallower water near downed trees. Here tungstens tipped with waxies was very effective on them. Early morning hours were the best time to fish for them.
Panfish - With warm temperatures, anglers were out looking for crappies and sunnies. Seemed only a few anglers went home disappointed. Crappies and sunnies continue to be found out in 20-30 feet of water, over deep mud flats. Crappies and sunnies have simply been cruising around the mud flats looking for bugs and minnows. Small tungsten jigs tipped with soft plastics, wax worm or crappie minnows has been very effective.