June 29, 2021

Walleye - There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for struggling walleye anglers.  As mayflies begin wrapping up on many area lakes, the bite has begun to improve on those lakes. Depths anglers are catching walleye varies lake to lake, but technique and locations have been very similar.  Many anglers have reported catching good numbers of walleyes in 8-12 feet of water, while others have reported catching walleyes in 18-23 feet of water.  Locations, anglers have been finding walleyes, have been main lake points and sunken islands. Spinner rigs tipped with a leech has been accounting for the majority of walleyes caught, but crawlers and even minnows have been effective on walleyes. Orange, gold and green have been hot colors. (Anglers coming up fishing should contact a resort, on the lake they plan on fishing, for current status of the may fly hatch on that lake.)

Smallmouth - Smallmouth bass fishing continues to be outstanding on many area lakes.  Anglers have been catching lots of bass early in the morning with topwater baits like hulla poppers, jitter bugs and whopper ploppers.  As the sun get up the topwater bite cools off.  Anglers switching over to wacky worms, senkos and ned rigs continue catching bass for the majority of the day.  Areas to fish have been large, shallow boulder flats. Great colors for soft plastics has been watermelon pumpkin and orange. 

Panfish - Anglers have been having success targeting crappies in classic summertime haunts.  Crappie have been hanging out over deep water during the day, near weedbeds, then sliding into the weedbeds as the sun sets.  Angler have been catching them with small jig and twisters or minnow under a bobber. Anglers fishing for sunnies have been finding them in weedbeds, downed trees and rock piles. Anglers have been catching them with angleworms and wax worms fished under a bobber. 

Lake Trout - Lake trout anglers have been having success targeting lakers this last week. Anglers have been finding them trolling large, deep divers, with leadcore over deep water. Anglers are catching trout 30 feet down, over deep water. Lakers are being seen on depthfinders chasing ciscos and smelt.

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Kara Polyner

Business identity maven


July 6, 2021


June 16, 2021