January 31st, 2023
***Fishing Report***
Stream Trout - Stream fishing has been good to very good this last week as many anglers reported good success while fishing for them. Rainbow trout and Brook trout are both being caught in very shallow water near downed trees, weedbeds and large flats. Deadsticking fresh dead minnows or deadsticking small jigs tipped with wax worms has been very effective. Any movement when a trout closes in on your bait spooks them off. Best times has been very early in the morning, often time before 9am.
Walleye - Thanks to a good cold snap, walleyes become somewhat active and many anglers had good success this last week. Deadsticking rainbows on a plain orange hook was reportedly the most effective way to catch walleyes. As with the stream trout, any movement after the fish showed up on the graph resulted in a quick rejection of the bait. Key depths were 20-25 feet of water.
Eelpout - Eelpout reports have begone to trickle in as anglers start targeting them more and more as we get closer to their spawning season. Anglers have been finding them in classic spots like shallow humps and shallow flats with sand or weeds on them. Late evening and after dark remains the best time to find active eelpout. Heavy, bright glowing eelpout jigs, packed with chunks of fresh minnows and pounded on the bottom has best.
Lake trout - Lake trout fishing continues to be unusually slow for just about every anglers seeking them. Anglers continue to report seeing good numbers of lakers on most days, but lakers continue to be uncooperative and don’t chase their baits. There were a few anglers reporting success with suspended a live sucker or rainbow down near the bottom. Large flats in 30-45 feet of water, close to deeper water were good areas anglers reported success. A few big lakers were caught this last week and interestingly they were all caught over deep water (50ft plus), but were spotted 15 under the ice.