January 2nd, 2024
***Ice Report***
Finally, some good ice making weather is here and appears to be here to stay for the foreseeable future. Lakes have added as much as 4”+ since our last report. 4 wheelers and small permanent houses have returned to many area lakes. Open water still exists on the deeper lake trout lakes, but for other lakes in the Ely area, 5-9” of clear ice is being reported by anglers.
***Fishing Report***
Walleye - Walleye fishing continues to be a evening affair on area lakes. Angler continue to report that the bite starts about 3:30pm and often continues until 5pm on area lakes. Jigging spoons and deadsticking a small sucker has been very effective for anglers. Key depth remains in that 20-25 feet of water range, but good reports in water as shallow as 10 feet continue to come in.
Pike - Pike anglers continue to report excellent fishing for large pike with tip-ups and medium sized suckers. Shallow weedy bays, river mouths and shoreline flats, have all been effective areas to find active pike.
Panfish - Panfish fishing has been challenging for anglers. Clear ice and lack of snow has made panfish spooky to say the least. Any movement on the ice sends the panfish the other way. Anglers have had to work hard for bites. Small crappie minnows, deadsticked, and small jigs tipped with waxies have been effective on panfish. Panfish are being found in 25-32 feet of water.
BWCA Lake Trout - Unfortunately nothing but bad news here. Trout lake, Knife Lake and Basswood lake all were wide open for the 2023-2024 winter lake trout opener. This was confirmed via flyovers from the US Forest Service and current NOAA satellite images of the Arrowhead region. Reports from the Gunflint side of the BWCA were pretty much the same for lakes over there. Wide open. *