January 18, 2022

***Fishing Report***

Lake Trout - Opening weekend was a excellent weekend for many lake trout anglers.  Almost all anglers reported graphing multiple trout, over the course of the day and many reported limiting out the first day. Anglers found active lakers in the usual 30-50 feet of water, around sunken islands, large main lake points and neck down areas.  Blue and pink bucktails, large spoons and tube jigs, all actively jigged, caught good numbers of trout. Some anglers reported only catching trout on live bait, fished on the bottom, under a tip up, so be sure to always fish two lines when lake trout fishing. 

Stream Trout - As usual, stream trout anglers had little issue catching their limit of trout on opening day. Small tungsten jigs, tipped with a wax worm accounted for many of the best catching reported. After opening day trout were very shy of baits, but non the less anglers adjusted and continued to catch fish. Small tungsten jigs tipped with either wax worms or single salmon egg, ever so lightly jigged, got bites. Jig to aggressively and trout would turn their noses up at it and swim away. Shallow areas with timber, produce the most trout for anglers.

Walleye - Walleye anglers have begun to catch a few walleyes. Anglers have been reporting that they are finding active walleyes in 20-23 feet of water, largely close to deep basins. Minnows fished under rattle reels has been tough to beat. Bite windows continue to be all over the place, but evening and after dark has been the best for anglers. 


January 25th, 2022


December 28th, 2021