February 6th, 2024
***Ice Report***
Ice conditions have changed little in the Ely area this last week. Angler have been running 4 wheelers, snowmobiles and side by sides on area lakes. Walleye, crappie and stream trout lakes have between 12-16” of clear, solid ice. Lake trout lakes are a little behind with 8-12” of clear solid ice. Snow cover varies from 5” to nothing. With the warm temps, slush has popped up on many area lakes, but has not been much of a issue for anglers.
***Fishing Report***
Lake Trout - Lake trout fishing was slow but steady for many anglers. Some real quality lakers were caught this last week on red/white and chartreuse colored tubes. Early and late in the day seemed to be when those big trout were active. Small suckers on the bottom, under a tip up, was very effective on those lakers that were inactive and wouldn’t leave bottom.
Crappies - Warm, late March like temps had many anglers out looking for active crappies. Many angler were not disappointed! Active crappies were caught 10-15 feet under the ice, over 20-30 feet of water. Crappie minnows and soft plastics in white or red, were very effective.
Stream Trout - Warm temps had rainbows and Splake active in area lakes. Rainbows were hitting wax worms and salmon eggs, tipped on a small tungsten jig and dead stick. Key depth for rainbows was 5-10 feet under the ice in 20-30 feet of water. Splake on the other hand we’re liking a active bait. Small ripping raps, small 3” tubes and waxies on a spoon were all effective. Key depths for Splake were 10-15 feet of water.
Walleye - Walleye fishing was on the tough side this last week. Deadsticking or rattle reels accounted for the majority of walleyes caught this last week. Evening and overnight hours have remained the best time. Small handful of walleyes were caught mixed in with crappies too. Mud flats have been the best areas to target in 20-25 feet of water.
Eelpout - Eelpout reports are starting to trickle in as eelpout become active. Anglers have been finding them pretty deep in 50-65 feet of water. Deep flats have been best. Bright glowing eelpout jigs or bright glowing tubes, loaded with minnow chunks or frozen smelt have been getting bites