February 20th, 2024

***Ice Report***

Little improvement happened this last week, with ice thickness, on area lakes. Anglers continue to report 8-14 inches of ice on area lake trout lakes. Thickness remains very inconsistent. Out on crappie and walleye lakes, anglers have been reporting 12-15” of ice. Snow cover is almost non-existent, so 4 wheelers and side by side are the best way to travel on area lakes. 

***Fishing Report***

Lake Trout - Lake trout fishing proved to be challenging this last weekend for trout anglers. Many anglers reported inactive lakers that stayed tight to the bottom in 30-50 feet of water. Lakers would come in, look, gone. Pounding the bottom with heavy tubes, tipped with suckers bellies, was effective to draw in lakers and keep them interested enough to bite. 

Stream Trout - Anglers reported good fishing for rainbow trout on area lakes. Best fishing seemed to be early in the morning. Small tungsten jigs tipped with wax worms or a dead minnow, dead sticked, have been very effective. Anglers report rainbows coming through 5-15 of water. Some big Splake have been caught this last week. Anglers catching these Splake are fishing in 15-25 feet of water. Rippin raps, small bucktails and small tubes have been effective.

Crappies - Crappies have begun to get active late last weekend. Anglers are finding them in 20-30 feet of water. Small jigs tipped with crappie minnows have been effective for inactive crappies while soft plastics have been better for active crappies. Purple, orange, pink and wonder bread have been the best colors. 

Eelpout - Eelpout have remained active again this week. Anglers continue to find eelpout deep in 45-65 feet of water. Bright glowing tubes or pout spoons, loaded with minnow chunks, have been very effective on them overnight. 

Bottom huging lakers proved hard to catch

February 27th, 2024


February 13th, 2024