Feb. 16, 2021

Lake Trout - Lake trout fishing was slow overall last week as cold temps kept many anglers at home or limited them to their permanent house.  Many anglers reported marking several trout a day, but trout would only give a half hearted chase, if they would chase at all. Smaller buckshot spoons or tingler spoons, tipped with a minnow head or smelt chunk, were top producers. Red and white, blue and white and pink and white were top producing colors. Key depth was 40-50 feet of water. 

Eelpout - Eelpout activity has been steadily increasing as we draw closer to their spawn.  Eelpout are being caught day and night, around sunken islands in 15-40 feet of water with large spoons or pout pounders, loaded with minnow head or smelt chunks. Pounding the bottom with your jig has been the best technique to call them in. 

Pike - There has been a few pike anglers reporting a excellent shallow water pike bite with tip ups.  These anglers are finding active pike in water as shallow as 4 feet just outside of river mouths. Medium sized sucker minnows have been best.  

Kara Polyner

Business identity maven


Feb. 23, 2021


Feb. 2, 2021