December 13th, 2022

***Ice Report***

Above average temps in the 30’s has slowed the ice making process and very little ice was added this week to area lakes. 11-14” of ice is now being reported on many area lakes. Permanent houses and ice roads have sprung up in all the traditional places. 

***Fishing Report***

Walleye - Walleye fishing has been very consistent for many anglers, on just about every lake in the area. Key depth remains 16-20 feet, but there has been plenty of good reports shallower in as little as 10 feet of water. Loud baits like rippin raps or buckshot spoons have been very effective at calling in walleyes. Deadsticking a juicy shiner has also been hard to beat also. Mud and sand flats have been the most productive areas. 

Pike - Pike fishing continues to be good in the shallow bays and river mouths. Dead suckers, smelt and alewifes have been popular choices to fish under a tip up. Pike dropping the baits continues to be a issues, but quality fish continue to come up the hole. 

Panfish - Panfish fishing has been very good for all three species of panfish (crappie, sunfish and jumbo perch). Crappies and sunnies are being found mixed between weedbeds/weedlines and hanging out over deeper wintering holes. As long as green weeds can still be found, weeds are going to place to find the most active fish. Here waxies, crappie minnows and soft plastics have been very effective. Jumbo perch are being found in deeper water over sand. 18-22 feet of water on sand flats have been giving up some very large perch and in good numbers. Out here jigging spoons tipped with a minnow has been very effective on calling in these fish. 


January 4th, 2023


December 7th, 2022