August 6th, 2024
***Fishing Report***
Walleye - The sudden cool snap has cooled off the walleye bite this last weekend. Before the cold snap walleyes were increasingly sliding deeper and out onto mid structure like humps and points. Many anglers have been catching walleyes on spinner rigs tipped with crawler or a leech, in 12-17 feet of water now. Orange, chartreuse and pink/white have remained the hot colors this week. Trolling season, for walleyes, is in full swing. Anglers trolling, have been trolling during the evening hours in 15-25ft of water. Large flats have been the areas to troll. On lakes with a healthy cisco population, anglers have been catching walleyes suspended 15-25ft down, over 30-60ft of water, chasing ciscos. White and blood nose colored crankbaits have been very effective here.
Smallmouth - Smallies have been back on the topwater bite this last week before the cold front came through. Since the cold snap anglers have had to slow down to more wacky rigs and Ned rigs, in order to catch smallies. As with the walleyes, smallies have been increasingly sliding out to mid lake structures, especially the big smallies. Smallies out here have been suspended off structure chasing ciscos. Here anglers have been looking for them with forward facing sonar and dropping 1/2oz jigs tipped with soft plastic on them.
Panfish - Panfish seem to be enjoying this warm weather. Sunnies are being found in shallow water with thick weeds and or timber in the water. Small leeches or a piece of crawler, fished under a bobber has been very effective on these fish. Crappies on the other hand, are being found out just off weedlines. Here beetle spins, small crankbaits and jig/twister have been very effective. During the evening hours crappies slide into the weedbeds looking to feed.
Lake Trout - Lake trout fishing has remained constant this last week. Anglers continue to troll the thermocline, looking for actively feeding trout with large trolling spoons. Anglers fishing from a canoe have also been having good luck on smaller lake trout lakes. Here anglers have been jigging heavy bucktails and tubes of the bottom.
Stream Trout - Rainbows have remained active this last week also. Anglers trolling cowbells, tipped with small crankbaits remains the most effective way to catch rainbows. Anglers fishing from shore have been reporting good luck with floating a night crawler under a bobber 10-15ft down.